Posted by: Stephen | December 23, 2010

#107 – What Does the Bible Say About That?

Half the Church Podcast
Episode #107 – What Does the Bible Say About That? (2010/12/15, 10:08)

The first in an occasional series of conversations about scripture, hermeneutics or biblical interpretation, this podcast features a conversation with Jamey Walters.


  1. These, culture, exegesis and overall view and application of the scriptures, are well-known, true and useful in the study of the scriptures. However, after pointing out the problem with how some people value one scripture over another Jamey Walters unwittingly moves scripture (I Timothy and I Corinthians 14) aside. He argues quite simply, if these passages are to be taken at face value, they do not reveal the nature of God.

    Indeed, they do. However difficult our struggle to understand or to accept these passages it is hardly a scholarly approach much less a reverence towards the word of God to diminish them as not revealing the nature of God. They not reveal a particular facet of God we would prefer to see and understand, but an approach which diminishes or devalues them is seriously questionable.

  2. Thanks Jamey for your great thoughts here. It is scandalous, but true – that our God is a God of equality, one who created male and female equally, with no hierarchy between us. It is people that impose the hierarchy, not God.

    My question: What would a world, a new God-centered world, right here on earth, look like if we took this character of God seriously? Not just in the worship hour, but throughout the week?

    Merry Christmas guys!

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