Posted by: Stephen | April 29, 2011

#117 – Word on the Street: Voices from “The Hill”

Episode #117 – Word on the Street: Voices from “The Hill” (2011/04/28, 14:59)

Producer Ben Fike hits the streets and asks students on campus for their thoughts about the participation of women in the public life of the church.


  1. There is an overall edifying and hope-filled undercurrent in these voices. I hear the uncertainty and non-committal voices that could as well have been a first-century apostolic epistle. The heritage of conservatism, doctrine or culture for acclaim or blame by the survey participants are familiar buzz words. Of course, a good deal of these replies would be easy copy-paste for a multitude of other questions.

    I hear these voices in other fronts where I interact in lively online discussions. They are the voices of brothers and sisters in Christ who chirp weakly with some measure of conviction but even less understanding to the rapid-fire not from their brethren about gender equality, but Muslims on Jesus the Son of God.

    It would be interesting to hear your roaming man-on-the-street mic would pick up at lectureship (or whatever is the term in vogue these days), youth rally, leadership camp or even interviewing willing participants at a local congregation.

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